If you’ve googled this and landed on our page, we’re guessing it’s because you’re in a lot of pain or discomfort right now and looking for some relief for mastitis. We know from experience of treating patients with mastitis (and some of us have...
It’s May ’21 and finally the Covid-19 restrictions in Ireland are beginning to ease, which means that many of our clients are enjoying long-awaited return to the golf course. However, after a 5-month break away from the fairways, some patients are...
As the weather gets nicer and the days longer, more and more people are getting outside and being active. Now more than ever, people are taking up running as pools and gyms remain closed. If you are looking at getting back into running, bumping up your training, or...
“How to manage lymphoedema?” is one of the most common questions asked by patients attending our lymphoedema clinic. Lymphodema occurs when the lymphatic system is is damaged by surgery, cancer radiotherapy or other conditions. Sinéad Cobbe is a highly...
In this video, Rachel Allen, Chartered Physiotherapist at Mid West Physiotherapy and Munster Rugby player, teaches you how to intensify resistance training at home. These exercises are ideal for sportspeople who are missing the gym or team training and want to keep up...
This is a real life case study from our clinic, involving a patient who for many years had experienced buttock pain when sitting for more than 45 minutes at a time. Buttock pain that occurs when sitting inevitably affects normal day-to-day activities such as work,...