PRICE Regime

What should I do if I have an acute injury? The level of pain usually indicates the seriousness of an injury.  If you experience severe pain, extensive bruising or immediate swelling you should seek professional help. However for mild sprains and strains you can...

Muscle Tears

Muscle tears can happen to virtually any of the muscles in your body and the treatment approach to them is the same regardless of which muscle is involved. What are muscles? Muscles are made up of bundles of muscle fibres that contract and relax, which shorten the...

Running Injury – Lateral Knee Pain

Today we will discuss one cause of lateral knee pain that is common in runners; Ilio-tibial Band friction syndrome (ITBFS). About the Ilio Tibial Band The ITB is a thick band of tissue overlying the muscles on the outside of the thigh. It stretches from the outside of...